
Monday 8 January 2018

I was fine!

I was fine this time last year. Until I took a seizure in my sleep and ended up with a diagnosis of an incurable brain tumour. I went from being fine, to being really seriously ill overnight.

I spent a year doing what I was told. I did the surgeries. I did the radio. I tried my very best to do the chemo.i worked particularly hard on relaxation.
I had ups and I had downs. I met some wonderful people and maintained a good attitude as a general rule. Sometimes I even started to believe there might be another outcome. I steeled myself and, with the help of my wonderful family and friends, we fought.

Almost a year to the day later........ I was fine!! Feeling a bit battered, but fighting through. A bit up and down, but generally doing as well as anyone can. 
I was fine! Then my legs decided to stop working. And my head started to spin uncontrollably. I went from being fine, to being really seriously ill overnight.

I’m currently in A&E, waiting for someone to claim responsibility for me.... My local hospital are being very gracious, but I get the impression there may be a lot of hot potato throwing being done by the Belfast potato specialists. My rude and sudden entry into the system has meant no-one really feels they  ‘own’  me.  It’s complicated snd all that....!

The result being that I ended up lying on a bed in my local A&E, with already completely overworked staff trying to keep me out of a germ filled hospital, while getting someone in the Big Smoke find someone with an interest in CT scans. The outcome Being admitted until an MRI scan can be arranged. When there’s a bed.  

As from the first moment, I’m fine and then I’m not fine.  I’ll do whatever I need to do, but have no clue what that is.  

And so we rumble on. The hot potato. Causeway say this, RVH say this...... if I didn’t have a slightly stroppy sister, I might’ve been pissed off. As it is, I’m calm and patient, letting others fight any battles needing fought. I’m busy fighting my own battle......I can’t take on the Health Service too.  Xxx

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