
Friday 5 January 2018

Work, damn you, work!

I actually said this out loud to myself today. I was sitting on the floor at the time, trying desperately to carry a sandwich into the other room. The sandwich I’d  made. After I’d finished washing the dishes. A reward for a morning spent working. (The sandwich, not the dishes.....!) 
Look at me!  Gently, easing.........but finally doing something more productive than researching trees......  
turns out, work isn’t nearly as much fun without the people. But look at me!! Being all worky and stuff!  The exasperated request to ‘work’, was to my left  leg (that had decided it wasn’t going to). 

“Have you had any wee falls yet?” Is a question I’ve been asked all year. Like so many things, I’ve often had a run of  feeling good prior to an unexpected setback. Earlier in the week I had my ‘first wee fall’...... like a self fulfilling prophecy, I took a tumble. It was sore. Still is, but it’s important to keep things in perspective........ a grazed knee does not come close! As with all falls, the worse thing is the fright and embarrassment left behind. I was also justifiably consoled by my excellent sliderobe avoidance..........

I’ve had a few near misses this week but have heeded them. Focus remains on getting built up, with food and whatever light exercise I can safely do. Challenging for someone who’s giroscope is a little off........ but we’ll get there! Full recalibration through gentle adjustment...?! Time, time, time.......  I know it’s on my side, but I’m so impatient sometimes ! We’re nearly at a year...... my seizureversary! Way to go xxx

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