
Monday 29 January 2018

The line in the sand

Time to move forward. My last entry told the story. There are some errors with timings and things that need checked, but the basic story is told. The levels of drama now need to come down because it’s embarrassing to me and it’s also important family, friends and I focus on moving forward and get over some the trauma we’ve just come through. 

As things stand physically I am doing well. Mentally it’s been a trauma, but I’m confident in my ability to get over it.  Friends and family continue to be my support and keep me laughing or delivering hugs as needed. I still have a brain tumour but it has not progressed. I am no longer being poisoned so not at imminent threat of death. 

I hope to be discharged from hospital towards the end of the week. In slow time, in a calm manner, I will then gather all my information and start the process of making complaints in order to ensure no-one else can ever go through what we have. To ensure lessons are learnt. I will do this slowly and steadily. 

There’s been enough drama and things need to all calm down a bit now. The story isn’t over, but we’re through the climactic drama section now. 

Hopefully that makes sense. Time to calm things all down again. I’m not comfortable being associated with that level of melodrama and craziness. Let’s go back to laughter and enjoying life. Beach walks and books about trees. Back to the Riverbank. Xxx


  1. Hi Tricia I am so sorry to hear how ill you've been, as if you hadn't been through the ringer enough this past year, to suffer so horribly because of something that should've been avoidable is just the ultimate insult to injury. Of course I'm glad it sounds like you're recovering well and hope you continue to get strong - goodness knows if anyone has resilience it's you. I know you will ensure this is investigated thoroughly for your own peace of mind and the safety of all others, only with understanding how this could have happened can anyone ensure it doesn't happen again. Keep asking questions till you get an adequate explanation, and apology. In the meantime keep swimming. Love from The Boyd's.xo

  2. Thanks Nina. I’m gathering everything up and will very definitely progress things so it can’t happen again. Taking my time but it’ll be sorted.
    Feeling great now tbh! No tumour progression and surviving poisoning can give quite the energy boost..... Thanks for ongoing help and support. Love to you all xxxx
