
Wednesday 31 January 2018


No sooner had I finished my last entry, things went wrong again.......  I fell asleep and then woke feeling awful. Head thumping and shaky. I tried to get up but started wretching, lashing in sweat and was completely dizzy. I was unsteady, too hot, agitated and feeling awful. And panicked, heart pounding.
Trying to get was futile so I lay back down, desperately trying not to be sick. Then the fitting started too........ not massive seizures, but definite strong facial spasms. I called nurses who worked with me and I rang hubby to come down. When I arrived I had another facial seizure. I’ve had a couple more since and am feeling weak, too hot, dizzy and a bit freaked out.

So what’s going on? Medication tweaking we think...... removing the drug that was poisoning me has necessitated tweaking other things about to keep tumour symptoms managed. I’m very sensitive to medication, which is why I hate taking it. The weather has undoubtedly played a part too....... creating additional pressure in my head. 

It took all day but I’ve just managed to get up and use the bathroom with hubby’s help, and am trying to eat a bit of toast.

I’m ok and I know this is the way it will be, but it’s hard not to feel completely licked yet again. I had been feeling so good, so strong........ confident. Arrogant? Pride comes before a fall again......... I know I can control and fight this tumour, but it seems she’ll fight me back at times.....

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