
Sunday 8 July 2018

Life on the ocean wave!

Any regular blog readers will know my love for getting outdoors. I’ve always had it, but being unwell has taught me to appreciate nature and the outdoors in a new way. I literally hug trees and I can tell you what the weather is like in the morning when I wake up by which birds are singing. Life shocks can open your eyes, your mind and your heart. If you let them.

For a long time I’ve had a real hankering to swim. To be in water. But I couldn’t stand the thought of the chlorine and chemicals in a pool. Combine that with my paranoia over my steroid body shape, and the fact that I’m not a strong swimmer anyway. Over the past year I’ve got by with the odd ‘toe dip’..... paddling in the sea when I get the chance and the weather allows. More recently, particularly with the good weather, my desire to get into water had become stronger and stronger. My ever patient and understanding husband did some research and discovered there’s a club that meet at the Arcadia in Portrush every Sunday morning for a swim in the sea. Perfect! I had a look and discovered I knew at least two members; one male, one female...... I spoke to them. The girl is a real ‘up for anything’ type of person and said she’d go with me this morning. The man said he’d see me in the sea. Decision made.

Wanting to make things as easy as possible on myself and enjoy it, I took a hop onto Amazon and a run into TK Maxx and invested in a swimsuit, a swim t-shirt, a poncho style towel, a pair of comfy shorts and a light t-shirt. I was all set. Last night and this morning I was filled with a nervous anticipation. Part of me just couldn’t wait, but there was also a fear that I was being a bit spontaneous and silly. As ever, hubby supported me fully and reassured me it wasn’t crazy. He helped me make sure I had everything I needed and took me down to meet my friend. Then he relaxed with a well earned coffee and in I went...........

I was filled with nervous anticipation. There are a couple of key moments..... the first step into the cold water, once it splashes over your knees, then your waist, and finally that moment when you just launch yourself in properly. 

I can honestly say that it was completely life affirming. It felt wonderful. I felt wonderful. Alive. Happy. I’m a rubbish swimmer but the Arcadia is safe and I was surrounded by others of all ages and abilities. I floated, doggy paddled and waved to hubby and other friends that had arrived at the cafe. My friend and I met other swimmers and chatted, laughed and enjoyed our dip. It was just brilliant! I think I stayed in for around half an hour.

There is undoubtedly a skill to getting dried and dressed in public after swimming in the sea...... it’s one I haven’t quite mastered. In fairness, my joints are still very sore so I’m not the most flexible! With hubby’s help I managed to get myself into some sort of clothed state again. We enjoyed a breakfast bap and a cup of tea and I grinned from ear to ear. Still am! We followed it up with a short walk in the mizzly rain that suddenly came in from out of nowhere. Then, when it stopped raining, we enjoyed a 99 ice cream whilst sitting on a bench looking out to the Skerries and Islay. What a perfect morning!

“Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air” 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

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