
Sunday 1 July 2018

Still hot but less bothered.....

As everyone enjoys the unusually hot weather (30 degrees in Northern Ireland??), I continue to moan. It’s hot, it’s stuffy, my head hurts, my ears hurt, my nose is snuffly, I’m tired. Winge, winge, gurn, gurn...... I remain convinced that particularly high or particularly low air pressure is a brain tumour patient’s worst nightmare. What I need is an oncologist, a neurologist, a meteorologist and an analyst to do a bit of research..... one out of four is a start, surely?...

I’m on a course of antibiotics and getting ready to drop my steroids down again tomorrow..... it could be a long few weeks. But it’s July!! 

This time last year I was getting ready to start chemotherapy and, despite my big talk, my confidence was at an all time low.  I was preparing to attend the funeral of a dear friend who had been on the same ward as me in the RVH. A beautiful and brave lady who I will always remember fondly.

I certainly wasn’t planning a week at work and perhaps even a gig night on Wednesday. I wasn’t excited about finalising plans for the use of the £8,000 we’ve raised for Macmillan. I wasn’t counting down the days until I take my last steroid tablet. Nor was I planning ahead to a boat/road trip to see my sister at the start of August. And I certainly wasn’t wondering what my weight might be and what the weather might be like for a trip to Hillsborough Castle in September! 

Sometimes it’s easy to feel like my life is standing still. It’s not. Very far from it. It’s times like this when I’m glad I started and continued with this blog. I can look back and remind myself. 

Life is different but life is good. Dealing with life changing experiences takes time. There are ups and downs. 18 months down the line and I’m still here. I’m alive and happy and putting one foot in front of the other. I’m enjoying life. Not every day is a great day, but every day is a day some others don’t get. 

I’m keeping July quiet. It’s about looking after myself as I get rid of these awful steroid tablets and prepare for exciting times in August and September. 

Living with..... xxx

Evening update...... Turns I ended up accidentally reducing my steroids this morning instead of tomorrow. I’d done my pill boxes up wrong for today and by the time I realised it was really too late to take the additional tablet. So that’s me now down to 2.5mg. I can see light at the end of the tunnel! 6th September instead of 7th. Yay! I know it’ll continue to be difficult and uncomfortable, but I cannot wait to get rid of those horrible drugs.

Despite the tiredness and (literal) earache, we still found time today to have a lovely family breakfast out. Then this afternoon hubby and I went to Portrush in search of a pod of dolphins that had been sighted. We didn’t see them but we had a lovely breezy walk and a 99 ice cream. Now we’re watching footie and preparing a nice healthy stir fry for dinner..... I’ve some weight to drop before I meet the Queen next year! Think I’ll keep the ‘strong woman haircut’ though. Taking things slow, but still moving forwards.... Xxx

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