
Saturday 28 July 2018

Stormy seas and whale talk!

Around 3 years ago a friend and I decided to go on a boat trip from Portrush to Islay. We were going to walk and sample some whisky. On the day of the planned trip a storm came in. A big one. The trip was cancelled. We swore we’d do it again but time got away from us and it never happened. 

Last week I saw a whale and dolphin watching trip advertised. So I got in touch with my friend of 30 years and we decided we would do this to make up for not getting to Islay. We’d been looking forward to it..... even when the forecast started to look unpromising..... 

This morning I got up to torrential rain and a forecast of more of the same and possibly even thunder and lightning. Sure, what’s a bit of rain to us hardy souls?? Off we went. 

We left Portrush Harbour in the rain, but the water was calm. The rain got heavier.... and heavier...... and heavier...... soon it was hammering down and we were drenched. Not a whale or a dolphin to be seen but we were enjoying the sea air, despite the rain.

It was getting rougher, but still not too bad. Then we were warned to move to the front of the boat and hold on tight as it was about to get choppy..... It seems ‘choppy’ is code for “you’re about to star in your own version of Deadliest Catch!” The only thing we saw was our lives flash in front of our eyes as waves of over 20 foot high crashed over us! Two hours of adopting the brace position, holding onto the boat railings, squealing and laughing maniacally!! Mental. (NB The photo I’ve attached shows rain but water like a millpond! There was no way of holding a camera or phone when we hit the exciting bit!)

Living life?? Most definitely! We left that boat barely able to walk, most definitely without our sea legs, soaked to the knickers, happy, glad to be alive, proud of our very own re-enactments of ‘A Perfect Storm’ and celebrating 30 glorious years of friendship!

“We are sailing, we are sailing
Home again
'Cross the sea
We are sailing
Stormy waters
To be near you,
To be free!”
Rod Stewart

^Turns out I’m not fluent in whale...... or else they were just too scared to come to the surface because of the big waves!! Xxx

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