
Monday 23 July 2018

Be a simple kind of man

This day two years ago I was enjoying time away in the Mournes with my husband, sister and brother in law. My sister and I rolled down a grassy embankment and this morning I laughed watching the video footage again. We both almost threw up afterwards! If I were to do it now, I’d definitely be sick!!

This day last year, according to this blog, I wasn’t too different to how I feel today. A bit muddled at times, but generally getting by.

Today, this year, I am suffering a horrible headache which I’m putting down to the weather and my body getting used to steroid drops. It could change tomorrow. It could change this afternoon......

We’re 18 months into this journey. I’m generally happy and as ever my Support Team keep me strong. I’m looking forward to a quiet day off with hubby today. Then it’s back to work for the rest of this week and the start of next week. Then holidays! Pretty normal really. 

So what’s changed for my hubby and I? In some ways, not much. We go to work, we pay the bills, we go out, we chill out. In other ways, everything. We appreciate each other and we appreciate life. We spend quality time with each other, doing simple things. We go for walks, we sea bathe on a Sunday morning, we spend time with friends and just with each other. We value each other. We keep life simple but we do what needs done. 

"Oh, take your time, don't live too fast
Troubles will come and they will pass.”
Simple Man, Lynyrd Skynyrd

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