
Tuesday 14 August 2018

Hat optional

It’s not every day you get a letter that includes the sentence “The wearing of a hat is optional”........ 

Today I received the details for my British Empire Medal investiture ceremony. It is both exciting and surreal. I’m not going to try and play it cool and pretend I’m not excited. Not in a million years would I ever have imagined myself being awarded a medal. I still can’t quite believe it, but I’m enjoying the sheer craziness of it! 

So will I wear a hat?? I have friends trying to persuade me to go the whole hog - designer dress, fancy hat etc..... My biggest problem is that I have no idea what size I’ll be..... I’ve put on weight from the long term steroid medication, but I’ll have finished taking them by the time the ceremony takes place. If the weight comes off as quickly as it’s gone on then hopefully I’ll be able to wear a nice dress and feel good about myself. Maybe I’ll even be able to wear heels if my feet have stopped swelling and looking like a hobbit’s and I’m a bit steadier on them!

Regardless of my size, I’m still not a ‘girlie girl’...... I’m a plain Jane. But isn’t it lovely when my dilemma is what I should wear?! Not exactly a big worry when you consider some of the stresses we’ve had over the past 18 months. 

So will I wear a hat? Who knows? Unlikely I’d say..... unless I can wear a big floppy one like Stevie Nicks in the video for Tusk. Will I get glammed up in a dress and heels? I’ll try my very best. I certainly won’t wear jeans and whilst I can’t guarantee a Meghan Markle style outfit, I will dress appropriately in something pretty and I’ll wear it with a smile! Will I enjoy every moment of the event with my family? Damned right I will! 

“I try to be like Grace Kelly
But all her looks were too sad
So I try a little Freddie
I've gone identity mad!”
Grace Kelly by Mika

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