
Saturday 11 August 2018

Laughing mindfully!

I know I should be hiding this but it’s too funny not to share. And you know laughter is my absolute favourite medicine.

Today I’ve been trying to relax as I’m not feeling great. I think I just have a cold and am still enjoying the steroid reductions. While pottering, bringing in washing, this beautiful butterfly landed beside me. Like the true hippy I’m trying desperately to become, I stopped and watched him for a while.

In order to try and chill this afternoon, I lifted a magazine that had a section that encouraged me to colour in butterflies they’d given you the outlines for. It’s a sign, I thought. I’ll give this a go, I thought.

I went and found colouring pencils that used to belong to my son when he was at primary school...... I settled myself on the sofa....... I started to try and be mindful......

Mr Butterfly, by Trish, age 43 and a half.....  

I swear I’m trying so hard to be mindful and relaxed and all that jazz..... but when it comes to being creative I think I need to stick with analysing and writing. 

I love being outside and enjoying nature. I love to read. I love to sing. I’ve even learnt how to deep breathe and how to meditate......  But an artist I will never be! Not a mindful magazine in the world is going to change that I’m afraid....... 

I’ll bet Monet couldn’t write a report on organised crime issues..... the world needs all sorts!

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

Albert Einstein (allegedly!)

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