
Wednesday 1 August 2018

Don’t judge a book.....

Whilst I am always full of stories of all the good people in my life, my shining stars; I would of course be lying if I said there hasn’t been some negative people too. Thankfully very, very few, and they clearly have their own issues to work through. I can count on one hand the number of people I thought were friends that have unceremoniously removed themselves from my life, but I’m glad to see them go. I’ve enough drama without people adding to it through their own neurosis!

There have, however, been a few more interesting ones. People who, from day one, just became unable to look me in the eye. At first I was hurt by it, but I now realise that these are often the really sensitive ones who just can’t deal with it. In particular there are about four guys who I’d have classed as friends but who ignored me every time they saw me after I started venturing outdoors again. 

One by one, I’ve called each one of them out on it; refusing to let them away with it. In turn, each of them has admitted to having had previous experiences of losing someone to cancer and their inability to deal with my diagnosis. These big strapping men who’re always laughing and carrying on are the softies. They feel helpless and want to protect their friend. 

So if you find yourself in the same position as me, remember not to judge a book by its cover. Yes, a few will genuinely let you down,but the vast majority won’t and there’ll be a few that are just broken hearted for you but don’t know how to show it. 

So cut the negative ones from your life but don’t judge a book by its cover..... it might be hiding a depth you didn’t know was there Xxx

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