
Monday 6 August 2018

In the Wild Wood

“"Thought I should find you here all right," said the Otter cheerfully. "They were all in a great state of alarm along River Bank when I arrived this morning. Rat never been home all night—nor Mole either—something dreadful must have happened, they said; ......... But I knew that when people were in any fix they mostly went to Badger, or else Badger got to know of it somehow, so I came straight off here, through the Wild Wood.....”
Kenneth Grahame

My sister and brother in law have renovated a house in West Yorkshire. They’ve spent months on it and poured their hearts and souls into it. Having come here, I now understand why. It’s the Wind in the Willows in real life! I have literally arrived at Badger’s house..... 

It’s completely overwhelming and beautiful. A perfect haven. I have never felt so at ease in my life. 

Coming over here has been another big milestone for me. I’m too scared to fly because of the change in air pressure. Plus I had a bad experience with my head and ears on a plane a few years ago. It was put down to sinus problems at the time, but hindsight is a wonderful thing....... As neurotic as I know it is, I dont feel comfortable flying and I don’t see the point it putting myself through the stress at this stage. 

So to get here we’ve had to road trip it. That meant a longer trip away and hence increased my nerves a little. There was the journey, the second wedding party, and then seeing the renovated house. Even being away from home for a week was somewhat nerve wracking for me. I have been full of nervous anticipation over the trip for weeks. 

But now I am here. In my own little Wind in the Willows..... with some of the most important people in my life. 
Overwhelmed but overjoyed. 

Living life xx

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