
Friday 7 September 2018

A hat and a setback

So I got my dress for my BEM ceremony at Hillsborough in a few weeks time. It’s perfect! Smart but different...... very ‘me’ I think. And I even ordered a hat! In for a penny...... My hat arrived yesterday. I got home from work and there was a big box on my doorstep. Exciting times! I opened it, made sure I still liked it and then rushed off to choir practice. Everything was going swimmingly......... 
We were singing away and I was feeling fine. Then I started to feel a bit of a twitch in the left hand side of my face. Out of the blue. It very quickly became a seizure. Thankfully there were two nurses in attendance as well as some good friends. They all worked together to get me sitting down and to reassure me that everything was ok. 

Seizures are terrifying. And exhausting. And embarrassing. And confusing. And upsetting.

Hubby was duly called and came to get me. He took me home where I had two further seizures. Again, not big ones, but still frightening and upsetting. Doctor on call were contacted and they sent an ambulance.  By the time I arrived in A&E I felt a bit like the guy in Night of the Living Dead........My left arm was completely dead to me and I was half expecting to start smashing plates over my own head. Thankfully it eventually came back before I had to start up the chainsaw......

Another night in Causeway Hospital Hotel. I’m hoping it’ll just be B&B and that I can cut my visit short and go home later on today.

I’m gutted. It was going so well. September is an exciting month and I was due to finish the steroids in 2 days time. Now I’ve had them upped very slightly again. After months of working to get off them. A bit soul destroying. 

Deep down I know it’s just another bump in the road and that I’ll be fine. I’ll allowing myself to be a bit pissed off for a day or two, I’ll rest up. And then I’ll pick myself up again. I have a lovely dress and a damned posh hat and I’ll be bloomin wearing them! 

“Sheltered, you better keep the wolf back from the door
He wanders ever closer every night
And how he waits begging for blood
I promised you everything would be fine”
The Wolf, Mumford &Sons

I’ve had a full check and all is fine. I had a scan 3 weeks ago and everything was stable so there’s nothing horribly sinister that we weren’t already aware of. This is just a speed bump. My anti seizure med has been increased a bit. So has my steroid, but I’ll be able to start dropping it again after next week, so it’s not as bit a setback as I initially thought. 

I’m safe and being very well looked after and I’ll get home later on today. Tired and emotional but not letting it drag me down for long xxx

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