
Monday 3 September 2018

Holding back the sea

It took a few months, but the media stuff is now done. I was interviewed by the local paper on Friday and did the obligatory ‘big cheque’ hand over today.

It feels good to get it sorted. To everyone who’s given me the credit, please note how we signed the cheque...... I didn’t give almost £9,000 from my bank account. It was very much a team effort by my amazing family and friends. 

The inspirational people are those around me. The doctors and nurses that looked after me and kept me safe, my sister and brother in law who asked for donations in lieu of wedding gifts, my husband and son who continue to look after me and put up with all my ‘quirks’, the friends that organised and played at Triciafest, the family and friends that donated as wedding gifts, and the friends who donated just because they’re decent people. 

Today I celebrated the cheque handover by going out for lunch and to the cinema with a wonderful friend. We watched Mama Mia 2; an entirely ridiculous film that we loved! The company was perfect and the film great fun.

Yesterday, hubby and I went sea bathing (month 3 already!) before staying to watch the Red Arrows. The sea swimming conditions were perfect, with plenty of big waves to get you in quickly, and nice and warm for getting out. The waves were chasing me..... no matter where I went, the big ones always seemed to break right over my head. Hubby decided at one point to be the gentleman that he is and protect me........ he stood behind me as I was treading water; the intention being that the wave would break on him and I’d be sheltered.... Hmmm, what actually happened was that the wave hit him, threw him forward into me, knocking me flying. I had a short moment of thinking I might drown as I lay on the sea bed with hubby’s full weight pinning me down. Thankfully he moved relatively quickly and I was left properly dunked but knowing I have husband who will literally try to hold back the sea for me! 

After sea bathing we had breakfast baps, ice creams and watched some of the Airshow. Then we came home early afternoon and, after showers, snuggled up on the sofa to watch School of Rock. Sundays don’t get much better! 

This Saturday sees me take my last steroid. I’m both delighted and a bit nervous. It’s been 18 months and titrating off them has been fairly hard work. It’ll be good to have my body back a bit. I’ll only be left taking anti seizure medication, and it’s a relatively low dose. I’m hoping that getting rid of the steroids will help me function a bit more smoothly. I do well in general, but there are few rare things that I definitely won’t miss! 

All in all, I really don’t have much room to complain and I continue to appreciate how fortunate I am, compared to some. I’m living an exceptionally happy and fulfilled life, and intend to keep doing so for as many years as I’m meant to have. 

“Took a drink out of the ocean and I'm treading water there before I drown.
Let's dive, I wanna dive to the bottom of the ocean”
Mountains by Biffy Clyro 

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