
Thursday 14 September 2017

Killing seagulls....!!

Is it just me or are the seagulls bigger this year?? And moving further inland?? I know it's not just me, because my hubby doesn't have brain holes and he has commented on their size and abundance..... I blame food bins. I thing a despise and am only using because I've had the Council warning sticker on my black bin..... I appreciate the need to reduce landfill and totally agree, but food bins are like having a compost heap in your utility room. They turn me. And I think they've brought the seagulls..... I'm miles from the sea, it's not natural to have a seagull the size of a kitten screetching at me from my rooftop! 

This morning I walked into our utility room to a smell...... a bad smell........ Not quite as bad as the morning after I put the dog to bed and shut the window, not realising the neighbours cat had hidden down the back of the fridge freezer, but a nasty smell all the same. And strong.  

A fact that could save your life some day.......... burning bakelite smells like fish. It can mean you've got a fuse burning and is hugely dangerous. I know this because once, many moons ago, it happened in my shower switch. Luckily we caught it and fixed it before our house was burnt to the ground. I was horribly smug about the whole affair afterwards....... using many opportunities to point out to my hubby how I had saved us. I guess we all do things like that....... get something right and feel a bit 'puffed up'. Now I spend more time just celebrating getting things right!! What does it matter anyway? So long as the house doesn't burn down. Anyway, I would imagine hubby did a happy dance today when I text him about the utility room smell and he was able to respond with "Someone put a tin of tuna in the recycle box"........ hhhmmm........ did 'someone'?? Someone who often eats lunch at home now?? He didn't have time to deal with it this morning so it's now on my list of things I need to do today...... I'm sure he'll never mention it again.......!

Also on my list was to ring the City Hospital. Another 'brain hole' moment. My chemo cycle runs from a Tues to the following Thurs. Three tablets a night. Last night I took my 3 pills and wondered why there were 6 tablets still left...... Clearly the best thing to do is always to be an ostrich...... that's what got me into this mess to begin with so it's a tried and tested method! A tremor down your arm? Worried you might have MS? Absolutely ignore that..... of course that's sensible. Life's busy, no time for doctors appointments and tests when you work so far away from home. Best forgotten and ignored. Right? Seems not! Anyway, back to my pills. The child in me is thinking 'if I ring them they'll make me take for an extra night'...... idiot! 

The reason I started about seagulls was because I had basically decided I'd take tonight's pills and then just throw away the 3 extra. Sure, it'll be grand..... Following the bin incident this morning, I started to think about where the tablets would go when I dumped them.  I know unused tablets should be taken to your pharmacy for safe destruction, but I can't take my chemo ones because clearly they're going to ask a few questions..... For some stupid reason I got an imagine of a seagull, sitting on a landfill site, eating my tablets and keeling over...... A ridiculous image, but it was just there. Now I'm many things, but I'm not a senseless seagull killer!!!

I knew exactly what I'd done with the tablets...... I started them on Wed night instead of Tues night. The analyst in me had even written on the box "start Wed PM"....... I just hadn't taken the tues night dose. I think I thought they'd given me them in hospital. 

You are an adult! Being unwell does not give you the excuse to behave like a child (any more so than you would've before...!) Stop misbehaving. 

Yes, I rang the hospital. No, I hadn't been given the first dose of those tablets when up there. Yes, I need to take the full course.

So chemo ends tomorrow night, not tonight. That's crap. But this is a long game we're playing here. A bit of misbehaving and being a little childish is fine....... it's the way I would've always been........ but if you're committing to something, then do it right. Don't just throw away the left over lego bits..... that's lazy....... and your Death Star might fall apart at a later date........ And don't kill seagulls! 

Chemo cycle 2 ends tomorrow night! Yay!! Xxx


  1. i know i know but your not bloody wise

  2. You say that now....... mark my words....... the seagulls are going to become a serious pest issue and e-cigarettes cause cancer...... future news headlines...... Just like the increasing number of people dying from prescription drugs in NI. Doesn't take a brain surgeon....... xx
