
Monday 18 September 2017


It's funny how things become significant when you've had a life shock. You notice things you wouldn't otherwise have noticed. 

I can now totally understand why everyone's been banging on about this mindfulness stuff..... A friend and I used to have regular 'mindfulness days'. We just used to book a day off work and go for a walk somewhere. Just 'get the head showered'. Generally we tried to do it every few months, but sometimes things got busy and we left them a bit longer. Now I think we should've done one a week!! During these days out I saw wild dolphins off the coast twice..... the first time I grabbed a strangers arm and cried in excitement. I must be the only person who grew up on the north coast but waited so long to see them!! No, I'd never seen them in Portstewart before. No, I've no idea how I hadn't! 

 I've always loved nature and being outdoors, and never made enough time for it. I'd been better recently, with training for the West Highland Way taking me out walking every weekend. 

Now I just make a point of trying to get fresh air when I can, and I definitely feel the benefits from it. Trees have begun to hold something of a weird fascination...... I've no idea why! My Sitka Spruce at Downhill is getting measured on Sunday. 6m in 1962? How am I the only person in 55 years to wonder as to it's growth?? I'm sure someone has but just haven't shared it with the rest of us. Regardless, that Spruce represents strength and regeneration to me. 

In another wonderful little life quirk that keep getting thrown to me now, I discovered today that one of my medical support team is married to a tree surgeon who mentioned, as she called it, 'your tree', just the other day! Isn't it a wonderful world where the same, specific tree can come up in completely separate conversations twice??

In a final amusing twist, my son started university today and was put in the village where every Halls block is named after a tree! I'd love to say he's in the Sitka Spruce building.......... wouldn't that be just perfect?? There's no such building. Though there is a Willows Walk. More important than 'things I now notice and make me smile'...... he's in and settled. Pretty hard not to be extra proud of what he's achieved this year, given everything else that's been going on in the house. Proud mummy.

My point? Notice and take pleasure in the little things all around you. There's lots to see and much to make you smile. Xxx


  1. Mindfulness days were the best, even the one where the big man had to come and rescue us lol! Looking forward to the next one xxx

    1. Ah yes..... if you're going to do a lovely coast walk and leave cars at each end......... take your keys!! "Sure just throw your keys in my glovebox"....... eedjits!!
