
Wednesday 13 September 2017

Not quite.....

'Not quite what?', I hear you cry!! Shamefully..... not quite at the shop in my PJs..... 

I'm hoping today was chemo cycle two's sucker punch, and that tomorrow will bring a brighter me. I got up, I showered, I went for a short walk........ but I was exhausted. The  very odd duvet day is allowed, so I decided today would be mine. Snuggly PJs on and back into bed. Not completely vegging though...... I caught up on local news/politics programmes I'd recorded, like Spotlight etc (sad, I know...... but it's interesting!) and I made sure I got up to eat at regular times. 

When hubby got home I knew I should make the effort and go for another walk. I couldn't be bothered. If only I didn't have to get changed....... NO! There has to be a line. I am not going to the shop in my pyjamas. I wonder if....... I could put on joggies and my big coat...... nobody need know you're rocking a 'half jammies' look. 

I did it. I'm not proud of it. But I'm classing that as 'acceptable on very rare occasions'.  Disgracefully, it put me in mind of a New Years Eve when a neighbour called to the door to invite us in for a drink. I was  in PJs and a fluffy robe, having no plans. She persuaded me it didn't matter and to come on ahead anyway. I think we'd been sitting in their house  about 5 mins when I had that sudden realisation that I was sitting in my neighbours house in my PJs and a fluffy robe........ it was a bit like the naked dream (that I've never had, but is always referred to)........ What are you doing?? You lazy cow!! Have a bit of pride in yourself!!  Although that is probably slightly less shameful than a previous NYE when a neighbour (same house, different neighbour) helped us chase a mouse round our living room with a shoebox while dressed in nothing but his girlfriend's (way too short!) silk robe.......... I might be letting the side down, but at least hubby is maintaining the family's dignity! 

Again I'm reminded that not all that much has changed really...... Or that the clues were there a very, very long time ago........ whichever! I'll very happily go back to 'quirky' so long as there's nothing unwanted thinking it's the boss up there. It's not. Xxx

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