I’m no Kate Humble and there’s no webcam, but I have just returned from an almost perfect weekend in Fermanagh with hubby, sister and brother in law. I’m calling it Wind in the Willows Live, because that’s what it often felt like. Our accommodation is advertised as having ‘panoramic views of Lough Erne’ and it’s been honestly advertised! It was simply stunning. The Lough was so close to the decking, we could’ve dipped our toes in. We didn’t...... we’d been warned about the pike.......
I’ve a notion I may have told the pike fear story before, but I’m not sure so I’ll go again, plus it has a cooler ending this time! I have a complete fear of pike, despite never having actually met one...... when we were kids my dad used to tell a story about a man he knew....... a friend of a friend........ urban myth type story! This man had allegedly caught a pike and was trying to get his hook out. The story we were told was that pike have very sharp teeth that are pointed backwards, towards its throat. So the man is removing his hook and the pike clamps down, trapping his hand. The only way he could get his hand out is to rip it out, tearing all the skin off his hand. As you can imagine, the mention of pike has curdled my blood ever since!
I was told today, the backwards facing teeth thing isn’t actually true, although they do have lots of very sharp teeth (so still not a great idea to put your hand in the mouth of one!) I’ve since googled and it seems dad’s story about the teeth might’ve been true...... but the pike fisherman we met today disputed it.
But how did I meet the pike fisherman I hear you ask?! Well, now that’s a good story.......
Yesterday we were walking down to our accommodation and saw a girl with a wheelbarrow. She was taking stuff from the back of a car to an old fashioned looking boat. I laughed and commented on her ingenuity. She chatted back and commented that she was covered in dust. We walked on but I felt the need to go back....... I don’t know what boats have or don’t have and had no idea of her story, but she was clearly working hard so I offered her use of anything she might need in our lodge (shower, toilet etc). She explained she was helping set up a projector and screen to show a couple of short films later on. It was part of a wider arts festival going on in Fermanagh, and was being organised by the Row the Erne charity. She told us to come down later and watch the films. I liked her. She was friendly and smiley and full of fun. I decided then and there that I would go. Everyone else was more than happy to do it too. I almost reconsidered before going down later on because I was tired and was worried I’d end up regretting sitting outside on damp ground way past my bedtime...... but I don’t want to be the one who never does anything in the evenings. The charity seemed to have a great mix of trying to maintain historical information/practices, while allowing access for people of all backgrounds and abilities. The girl I’d met seemed really bubbly, and I wanted to show family that I’m willing to push myself in a reasonable way. So we went.
We carefully made our way along a path lit by fairy lights and burning torches. On arrival my new friend had kept us brilliant seats, and even came and wrapped a blanket around me to make sure I didn’t get cold. Clearly my instincts about her had been spot on! Yet another one of the wonderful people I seem to keep meeting along the way....... We were given popcorn and settled down to watch ‘Boogaloo and Graham’...... we laughed with strangers and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Although the latest night I’ve had in many months, I was still tucked up in bed early. And, more importantly, completely relaxed and content.
Don’t worry, I haven’t completely forgotten about the pike fisherman........ I had said to my new friend that I’d like to do a wee Erne trip before we left today, but we were limited for time due to sister’s flight. She knew a guy...... Today she let me know the guy’s details. Around 10.30am I found myself ringing this guy, explaining we had to leave at 12 but would like to do something! He didn’t have time to get his boat ready, but suggested we go to Devenish Island on the 11am ferry trip. I’m not generally prone to spontaneity...... or didn’t used to be........ the new Trish is a bit more devil may care. Plans? Everything pre organised? Pah! We’ve now 20 mins to get to a jetty somewhere....... I truly love my hubby, sister and brother in law for completely jumping aboard (no pun intended, but it was a good one!) and ignoring any slight niggles they might’ve had in the back of their minds against doing it. And so it is that I met the pike fisherman. As he transported us to Devenish Island on an ‘arranged in 10 mins’ trip.
I would NEVER have done this prior to diagnosis. Just not the way I was. Up for a laugh, but very responsible and completely ‘planned out’. Scheduled. There was a genuine risk of missed flights. A million things that could’ve gone wrong. Old risk averse Trish wouldn’t have taken the chance. Not so much now!!
Beautiful Fermanagh also brought other fun person. Yesterday I was given a hedgehog, made from a book. Fabulously ingenious and just really cute. The lady who gave it to me refused any payment, saying she only ever gives them to people. She said the only rule was I had to name it before leaving her second hand book shop....... I originally named him Chum as my sister seemed to remember you can feed hedgehogs dog food, and I have a friend who spends a lot of time in Fermanagh and often calls me ‘chum’. I’ve since changed it to George, as that was one of the characters’ names I could see written on the folded pages. There was also a Penelope. Once I saw Roderiges enter the mix, and read some more of the half sentences, I realised it was best not to think much further about what the book had started out as.....!
I have two more stories from Fermanagh. One is more ‘another strand in the spider’s web’. The other is just funny.
Strand first. Before leaving Fermanagh, we visited friends. A guy my hubby went to school with and his family. It’d been way too long. The conversation came around to religion. Mixed and easy company made it easy for everyone to chat openly. If I were to tell you that the priest who I insisted on seeing whilst unable to sleep after awake surgery was a former next door neighbour of our friends when they were young..... when my hubby would’ve often visited and stayed........And that their fathers were close friends, you wouldn’t believe it, would you?? But I am telling you it. And you wonder why I feel the need to write?? If that doesn’t make you smile, I’m not sure what will!!
And finally (I promise), the funny....... While gazing out across the Lough, we had noticed ‘a thing’. Kind of like a wicker tunnel on a stake, lifting it up out of the water. We all had different theories about what it could be. Hubby thought it was a perch for heron (mainly because a heron was perched on it....), bro in law thought a home for some sort of mammal like a water vole, I thought otter nesting boxes. Big sis was idilly flicking through a magazine, but when pushed she also went for man made perch. A short time later we were having some breakfast in the hotel. Unable to stop wondering, I asked a waitress what it was......... I’m going to say it was a combination of asking the wrong person and me not explaining myself properly, but the response of “Is it a bungalow?” has me laughing every time I think about it!! My favourite funny moment of the day cane early snd was a corker!!
For those of you, like me and bro in law, who HAVE to know....... it seems they’re mallard nesting tunnels! I’m slightly disappointed by this. There’s ducks everywhere. Should we not spend time helping others more in need?? I think it’s because mallards generally nest on grass so the hotel are trying to keep them out of the way?? Answers on a postcard......
A lovely weekend, filled with family, beautiful surroundings, new and old friends and laughs. Doesn’t get much better than that........ xxx