
Thursday 12 October 2017

A simple act.....

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” 

Having bad things happen, makes you better appreciate the good. A cliche, I know........ rain and rainbows and all that....... But it’s true. Showing appreciation to people can be a very simple thing, but it can have a big impact. I used to joke that ‘a pat on the head from one of the bosses had me running around like a wee waggly tailed puppy!’ I guess we shouldn’t really need validation from others, but it’d be a very arrogant person that didn’t.  I try to make sure I say thank you, because I know how much it would mean to me. Not to mention the fact that people have done things for me over the last 8 months that have literally saved my life.  Friends and family have kept me afloat and stopped me refusing treatment, not to mention ensuring I still have a life and don’t make myself more physically unwell by crawling under the covers and not coming out. I try to tell them often. It doesn’t take much to give a hug (so long as you’re germ free!) or to embarrass someone while you declare  your love like a happy drunk “No, no, but you don’t understand...... I really love you!”  

Medical professionals can be more tricky. I’m conscious of being really intense  and scaring the complete crap out of them, but also think it’s important they know if they’ve done something that’s made all the difference. For me, these acts are generally simple things like a hand on your arm or just seeming to be interested. I can’t imagine how challenging it is, with budget cuts and constant staff shortages, and I tend to talk......... a lot......... So I’ll always try to take time to write a card. It doesn’t take too much to do but I don’t think there’s too many of us that haven’t smiled on receipt of a nice card. 

You don’t expect to get a ‘thank you for your thank you’.......... otherwise we’d all be stuck in a card writing circle......... perhaps not a bad plan!  This morning I woke up to two messages from people thanking me for the thank yous. One was from a doctor and one was from a nurse. They caused a literal rush of warmth across my heart. Every part of me smiled. Is there any feeling better than knowing you’ve made someone happy?? Well yes, there is..... the feeling you get when someone tells you you’ve made them happy by telling  them they made you happy! Simply acknowledging each other. 

What made me smile most was that both people seemed to be unsure if I’d remember them. Oh I remember them both, and will always be hugely grateful they were there. Do I remember the nurse who held my hand and reassured me as I took a seizure in the middle of the night and was convinced death was imminent? Yes, I remember her. Very clearly indeed. Do I remember the doctor who explained everything to me and helped calm me? (I talk about her in blog entry ‘Cocky’.... the title being aimed at me, not her!!) do I remember her beauty and her efficient yet kind manner? Yes, I remember her. Very clearly indeed.

Take time to say thank you. Appreciate what people do, whether it’s as heroic as emergency services, or simply something small that helped your day. What is it they say about giving up your seat for an older person on the bus? It might not seem like much to you, but it might make a huge difference to them. 

As I move towards the fear of another chemo cycle next week, I’ve had and am having a week of beautiful people, both in writing and in person. Warning my heart and holding my hand. Thank you xxx

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