
Monday 16 October 2017

Ophelia, you cow......

Piglet: Oh Owl, I don't mean to c-c-complain, but I'm afraid, I'm scared. 

Owl: Now, now, Piglet, Chin up and all that sort of thing. A rescue's being thought of. Be brrrave, little Piglet! 

Piglet: It's awfully hard to be b-b-b-b-brave when you're such a small animal. 

Owl: Then to divert your small mind from your unfortunate predicament, I shall tell you an amusing anecdote.”

Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day

Little did I realise how prophetic my last blog title would be.... It was all going so well...... then Ophelia started to make herself known.  She started by giving me a busting headache yesterday evening. She moved on to making it worse this morning. I had it somewhat tamed by the time my lovely District Nurse arrived to take bloods this morning. Ophelia then led to the cancellation of my sister’s flight, hence stressing me out and making my headache worse. She closed schools and hospitals, leading to me worrying chemo couldn’t be done tomorrow. 

On the flip side, she blew hubby home early and in perfect time to wipe away the ‘no chemo tomorrow’ tears, so maybe she’s not all bad.  And I can’t blame Ophelia for platelets of 44....... That’s just how chemo can go, it seems.  Treatment postponement is rough. I don’t want to do chemo, but I’ve committed to it so I certainly don’t want it dragged out any further than necessary. But this is why they check your bloods. To make sure you’re ok for the next one. I thought I was. I was sure I was. I’m not. Not this week. 

And so we accept it’s happened for a reason, give ourselves a break, calm down, and try again next week.  As Owl says “Chin  up and all that sort of thing”...... xxxx

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