
Sunday 8 October 2017

Going wisely.....

“Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall.”
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare

A quote clearly in relation to romance, however good advice in any context! Yesterday I had my first fall...... thankfully it was a very ‘slow fall’...... more of a stumble really, and I landed safely on my bed. No damage done, but a warning to take care. I can definitely feel myself weaker since I started chemo, but am sticking with the gentle walking and weakly rehab Keep Fit Class. Today we had a lovely walk in Ballycastle  for a nice change. Keep Fit wasn’t  on for a few weeks, but this week saw me back at it. It’s not what I would describe as strenuous...... in fact I should probably try to work a bit harder at it........ but I genuinely do find I need to go wisely with exercise!

In general it’s been a busy week with visitors, and this week is set to be the same. Good for me as it means 17th Oct and planned next chemo will come in quicker. The other day I began to have concerns that I was starting to wish my life away...... just wanting to get by until the end of chemo. My dear, clever friend reminded me “You’re just moving towards a short term goal”. The end of chemo is that goal. There’s nothing wrong with working towards it and then being able to be happy about achieving it.  What a good way to look at it! We do it all the time. I’m not wishing my life away, I’m just looking forward to the next bit of it.  And I’m doing it (mostly) with a smile on my face. 

Friends, old and new, continue to bouy me up. This week includes time with friends I wouldn’t have met if not for being unwell. Wonderful friends. Rays of sunshine coming through my front door, armed with a beautiful posie of fresh wildflowers, a honeypot, and a little soft Piglet. It’s a pleasure getting to know new people; finding out about others’ lives, the choices they’ve made and why, the fresh air that can be breathed into your life by ‘new’ conversations and opinions !  The week ahead brings more friends...... older ones this time. Equal pleasure but in different ways; the excitement of hearing what’s been going on, the mental stimulation of talking about subjects you should know a bit about, sharing old laughs.  

So, on reflection, as I move towards my short term goal of getting this damned chemo done, I realise that I’m far from wishing my life away! I’m enjoying it more than ever, enjoying the outdoors and sharing good times with those who’re important to me, whether newly met or known of old. If I’m killing time until chemo’s finished, I can’t think of a much better way to do it!! Xxx

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