
Sunday 22 October 2017


A friend sent me the most beautiful video the other day. It seems to have been made by an environmental group, although I couldn’t and wouldn’t begin to talk of their politics. I tried to research but kept falling into internet black holes, so I’m deliberately conscious of not showing support for the group that made it. Not that anyone would care if I did, I’m sure!! Regardless , the film was fabulous. It was short, but beautifully filmed and narrated. 

On the surface it was a short nature film. The subject matter, muntjac deer, filmed with care and love. What I found interesting is that I know, from a report I once wrote about environmental crime,  that muntjac deer are regarded as an invasive, pest species. Like grey squirrels, muntjac were introduced, have escaped from small areas and are leading to the destruction of native deer / red squirrel mainly through the introduction of new diseases. They are also often blamed for an increase in road traffic collisions.

Not unlike Sitka Spruce.......who don’t cause road traffic collisions to my knowledge, but have certainly got a bad reputation in Tollymore, County Down. So whilst we marvel and point out to children ‘that big, old, majestic tree’, ‘the wee squirrel’ or ‘the cute deer with the horns’, were actually marvelling at the species that are helping wipe out our native species like red squirrels (Tufty Club anyone??) and oak. (Interesting fact..... did you know that Doire, Derry in Irish, means Oak?? I didn’t. Now I do!) 

As my friend rightly pointed out; One man’s weed is another man’s wildflower. 

Ever since, I’ve been trying desperately to see my cancer in a wildflower type way.  I’ve seen the scans and they’re undoubtedly fascinating, though I’m not sure any amount of trying is going to allow me to see anything other than a weed to be plucked out by the root. I think that’s the scariest bit...... where is the root?? Is it in my DNA? Is it something I can effect? I don’t know. Nobody does. But I do know you can kill it off and essentially stunt growth.  I’ve turned off any sun or rain it might’ve been getting by looking after myself mentally and physically, and I’ve got the experts in with the Round Up. 

I want that weed out. Only wild flowers in there. The late, great Tom Petty often tells me I belong amongst them..... xxx

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