
Saturday 12 August 2017

Every cloud......

I know I've said it from the start and am like a broken record, but sometimes a trauma can open your eyes to the beautiful people all around you.  People can surprise you with kindness and depth and they inevitably appear exactly when you need them.

I had a couple of stresses early this week but each one was lifted by good, positive people. This help ranged from happy visits from people I love, messages of complete support and faith in me, a massive bunch of flowers, shared laughs, to meeting and enjoying time with strangers who were wonderful company. 

One of the main reasons I plucked up the courage to share my Garden Across the Road story was because the Garden owner asked if she could. Combined with a couple of friends who had been telling me to do the same thing, I plucked up a bit of courage and posted it on the blog. It ended up feeling good. Like I didn't need to be self conscious and could just let my creative side run free. It didn't have to be a literary masterpiece, so long as it was from the heart. Quite liberating really. 

In response tor sharing, that wonderful lady sent me a poem!! Her writing is far better than mine and Dorothy Jones is someone I'm really glad I've recently met. I don't normally name anyone, but I have to give her credit for her beautiful poem, plus I know she had originally tried to post it as a comment on the blog but had been beaten by technology. Earlier today hubby and I visited her garden again. It was as beautiful and peaceful as I remembered. And to finish off a wonderful walk, we then sat with her, her friends and family and enjoyed a good old chat. I'm good at  chat....... we know this....... no change!...... For me, this was far more than a chat with strangers. This was a relaxed conversation with warm kindred spirits. Uncomplicated, just chat, yet with depth as well. I very much enjoyed the whole thing...... good for the soul!! So here is Dorothy's beautiful poem........   I only cried a tiny bit...... honest........ 

And so it rained outside and in
Through all life's noise
The silence crash and din
Spring is here with hope a-new
With relentless drive 
And energy too.
Reliable vigour and vital cheer
To help us see over
Our worries and fear.

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