
Friday 18 August 2017

If at first you don't succeed.....

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again" 
usually attributed to Robert the Bruce. 

Though I've heard many different stories about who said it, when..... I think we're all agreed it was a Scotsman. As a Glaswegian, living on the North Coast of Northern Ireland, I like the story that it was said by Bonnie Prince Charlie while watching a spider trying to spin a web in a cave on Rathlin Island.

On Monday we try, try, try again. Up to the Big Smoke for bloods to be checked and chemo to be given if possible. Cancer treatment is teaching me a level of calm and flexibility I never thought possible! Thankfully my sister is the most laid back person on earth and takes everything in her stride; greatly helping me to do the same. If it's meant to be......

So I've got until Monday to sort (as my friend calls them) these pesky platelets! I'm still feeling unwell from the throat infection I'm carrying, so have decided on a weekend of rest and relaxation. A bit of a shame, as I had two different opportunities to do fun stuff tomorrow night. In discussion with hubby, we've agreed that pushing yourself is fine but not too hard. So no concerts or visits to beautiful gardens for me this weekend. Just gentle walks, meditation, bed, books and films. Just for a couple of days. Then up on Monday, hopefully with tip top platelets, and throat infection free! To get stuck into cycle 2. To get it over with. To let us all move on. 

Brain tumours are really very 'last year' now. Boring. I'd imagine all the family and friends who've stuck by my side are finding it all somewhat tedious now! Thank God for their ongoing patience!

As I hope for chemo to go ahead, I find myself becoming increasingly like Lady Macbeth (without the murder and guilt!)......... "Out damn spot", I imagine myself saying as I wash and sanitise my hands for the fourth  time in an hour..... There is hand sanitiser on a table at the front door and in strategic positions around the house....... I swear I see germs everywhere, picturing those old TV adverts that warn of how easy it is to spread bacteria. I even said the other day "catch it, bin it, kill it" after my poor husband (who has hay fever) dared to sneeze near me! My boys are quizzed about their hygiene regularly, and I can even now confirm that hazmat suits can be purchased on EBay........ Don't panic!! I looked it up as a joke........honest......... I'm exceptionally and rightly cautious, but I'm not at the Channel 4 documentary stage yet!

So let's see what Monday brings. If we're lucky, I'll be a third of the way through this bit in a couple of weeks time. If not, we'll just go back to the cave on Rathlin. Xxx

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