
Monday 21 May 2018

I know why the caged bird sings....

I regularly question my need to keep blogging and always be telling people my story. I realise that many are not interested and are very bored with the whole thing. Sometimes I feel the same way! I get embarrassed by the attention and wonder why I’ve brought it to my and my family’s door. I used to be so private, but now I find myself posting constant selfies and health updates on social media, telling my story to the world. 

Every so often though, I am reminded why I keep doing it...... 

Yesterday, hubby, a couple of dear friends, and I, joined Clodagh Dunlop for a Step out for Stroke walk. I met Clodagh through delivering the TedTalk at work and was instantly drawn to her. A truly inspirational person, she had a stroke and experienced ‘locked in syndrome’. She has also been very vocal about her experience. Talking to her again made me think of caged birds singing. Maya Angelou’s famous book is  a fairly dark read, and it’s about very different experiences, but it still tells of strong people using their experiences to push for change and help others. I hope I am doing what Clodagh is doing...... giving hope and helping keep others positive. Whilst also helping ourselves by publicly setting ourselves challenges and reminding ourselves of every achievement, no matter how small. 

I am proud to call Clodagh my friend and I was proud and inspired to Step Out for Stroke with her. Illness might sometimes feel like a cage, but we will keep singing.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Maya Angelou

On the subject of music....... and cringeworthy levels of attention....... the charity rock gig we are organising in aid of Macmillan is now just 5 days away! It’s going to be a brilliant night, with five superb local bands. Everyone is generously giving their time and there are also lots of auction and raffle prizes. Check out the Triciafest event page on Facebook. If it’s not your thing then you can donate via Just Giving (just search for Triciafest and you’ll find it!)

All money raised will go back to our local Macmillan team to help local cancer patients. It is now believed that one in two people in NI will develop cancer; up from one in three. You never think it will be you, but you might very well be wrong. It’s not necessarily a death sentence, but there is so much more that can be done. Caged birds need to keep singing so we can sort out research and some joined up thinking. Xxx

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