
Saturday 12 May 2018

With teeth like piranha.....

“Oh the midges, the midges, im not gonna kid ye’s....... with teeth like pirhanas, they’ll drive you bananas...... if you let them get under your simmot!”

Ear worm for the Scots amongst you today! Why am I singing about midges? Well, I’ve been thinking about the West Highland Way. My sister, brother in law and I were due to walk it in April last year. I had raised over £1,000 for The Cedar Foundation charity. Unfortunately we didn’t get to do the walk, though I promise the charity got the money regardless! In preparation for the walk, I had been out hiking at every opportunity. Poor hubby was being dragged out every weekend, even though he wasn’t actually planning to join us on the WHW! 

The night I took the seizure that identified my brain tumour followed a day hiking with a good friend of mine. We had walked around Downhill/ Mussenden and Castlerock. Since diagnosis I have returned to Downhill forest and Castlerock beach on a number of occasions...... I bear it no ill will. Quite the opposite..... it remains a place I love to go. Eating a picnic and visiting the Manannan Mac Lir statue at Binevenagh mountain was one of the first outings hubby and I went on after I got out of hospital after my two brain surgeries in March 2017. 

Over the past 15 months since my diagnosis we have measured and hugged trees (and each other) in Downhill Forest, walked on Castlerock beach (I even enjoyed some paddling with my sister), and cried at the viewpoint. Sometimes I feel like I ‘lost’ 2017, but every so often I think back to doing these things and I realise how much  living I have actually been doing. How much pleasure and happiness I have had, and continue to have.

Today the National Trust were launching a Tree Trail at Downhill Demense. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Hubby and I went and spent 2 hours on a very gentle walk around the gardens there. A simple thing for most, but hugely significant for me. For a number of reasons....... firstly it’s the furthest I’ve walked for 16 months. I’m still using a walking stick because I can get dizzy and sometimes am a bit wobbly on my feet, but the walk today was designed to be accessible for all and I wasn’t the only person using walking aids. 

So that’s why I’m singing today. I’m singing because I’m happy! I’ve had a lovely day with hubby. Out in the fresh air, proving to myself what I can do, without pushing too hard. Continuing to fight my way through the fatigue of getting rid of steroid medications, continuing to keep my spirits up by spending time with the most important people in my life, continuing to live life and keep my priorities in the right order.

West Highland Way?.... watch this space..... 2020 perhaps?? Maybe even with hubby in tow!

Living with...... xxx

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