
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Macmillan fundraising update

Quick Triciafest update...... the total money raised so far is phenomenal! We are currently sitting with £7,211.80 in the Just Giving account. 

I can’t thank you guys enough, in particular the DRC crew, my husband, my son, my sister, all the members of the bands that gave their time and energy (Fragment, Trucker Diablo, Nasa Assassin, Gasoline Outlaws & Lo Mejor). And of course YOU!! You lot who attended the wedding and/or gig and/or handed over your hard earned cash. There’s still a little bit of cash from Macmillan buckets to be added in too. 

Next steps - I have made contact with our local Macmillan fundraising team and we are discussing what the money raised will be used for. I will report back in due course via this blog, the Facebook Triciafest events page and my personal Facebook account. Please share the updates so everyone who’s contributed is kept informed. 

In the interests of transparency, you can see all the payments by looking at the Triciafest Just Giving Page; the breakdown is as follows -

Triciafest ticket sales     £1,070
Triciafest auction.          £1,261
Triciafest raffle tickets.  £442.80
Triciafest t-shirt sales.    £158
General donations.         £1055
Wedding gifts.                £3225

TOTAL £7,211.80

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