
Thursday 17 May 2018

Sheddin and ditchin.....

I told you normal service would resume and we’re definitely getting there! I’ve still got a bit of a virus thing going on so have a snotty nose, sore ear and throat. Learning lessons from the last time I picked up a sinus infection, I’m making sure I take paracetamol and am looking after myself. 

Feeling spurred on by family and friends, I’ve continued with my steroid reduction. The lunchtime dose is now gone completely. I’ll admit to feeling tired, a bit dopey at times, and my joints are still really sore, but I’m motoring through it.  

My overnight sleeping habits are slightly improved and the very attractive fluid retention comes and goes now, instead of being a permanent state. Top tip - magnesium gel/ oil spray/ moisturising cream for joint pains. It’s been like a miracle for me! Immediate relief from pains that were literally crippling me. 

I’m still carrying a couple of extra stone, but ditching the steroids and working hard on my new healthy diet willl sort that in no time. One week on Saturday until my sister’s wedding...... she’s sheddin for the weddin and I’m ditchin for the hitchin!! 

My lack of ‘lunchtime high’ is undoubtedly leaving me more tired and sometimes a bit grumpy and more addled than usual. But it’s all part of getting a sense of ‘normal’ back, and I’m delighted at the prospect of being off the steroids completely later in the year. 

Having said all that, I am definitely not going back to the old stressy person that I used to be. I’ve learnt a valuable lesson about life’s priorities. I’ll continue to work because I’m passionate about what I do and believe I can help make a difference. But my first priority is my family. With plenty of time also reserved for relaxation, time with friends, and just generally being happy. 

As Tessa Jowell has shown us; there’s a big difference between dying from and living with cancer. I’m doing the latter. For a long time to come.

Don’t forget we’ve a charity rock gig coming up. Plenty of opportunity to dig deep for my Macmillan heroes.


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