
Saturday 29 July 2017

Carlsberg doesn't do friends.....

But if it did......... it'd probably do the best friends in the world. 

I've found I have more than my fair share of Carlsberg friends. The people who have reached out their hands and shown me exactly what they're made of. People of depth, who have shown their love through selfless and sincere words and actions. Some know the importance of keeping me laughing, some ensure I don't stagnate mentally, some are big strong shoulders, some bring handkerchiefs and hugs, others practical support and advice ........ a few offer all those things in one person!

Last night I enjoyed the most wonderful evening with two of my 'all rounders'. I had seen an advert about a charity walk/run in aid of the mental health charity, Aware. You could do 5k or 10k and it was starting at 7pm in Portstewart. Enlisting my two friends, the challenge was set. Not a huge challenge to most, but a 5km walk is more challenging than  I'd like to admit..... If I'm being honest, it was the 7pm start that was a bigger challenge! I'm usually in bed by then, chilling out, and settling down to sleep by 9!! I had a think about what was realistic, and remembered that I'm not asleep at 7pm...... I go to bed to allow myself some rest and relaxation. What better relaxation could there be than a seaside walk with friends?? I don't generally nap during the day, so my battery starts to run down late afternoon/early evening. So yesterday, I allowed a wee afternoon snooze for an hour, got up, fed and watered and headed off to Portstewart with my friends.

It was the perfect evening for it. The usual sea breeze, but pleasant and often sunny. We had one shower, but as my friend reminded me "We don't get rain in Portstewart. That's just the spray off the sea...!" 

And so we walked....... and we talked........ and we laughed........ then we laughed some more. We shared too much information and then teased each other mercilessly about it. We laughed with dog walkers who's pug had just chosen to crap right in the middle of the path (I consoled them with a reminder that at least they have a small dog...... Our Izzy often deposits 'double baggers'...... sometimes even 'triple baggers'....... no cheap, poor quality  poop scoop bags in this house!!)

Probably my favourite moment was when a lady passed us who had the same name as one of my friends...... we'll call her Sarah...... so my friend, Sarah, shouts "Hello Sarah!". Laughing, I shouted "Hello Trish!" Quickly followed by my other friend shouting hello to herself too!! This is the silliness that reminds me everything is ok!! 

The organisers had 'mood boards' at the event. Various moods were listed and you wrote your name on a Post it note amd stuck it in the relevant box. There was a board for before the walk and a board for after. Ever the challenger, I decided on a few extra moods and posted them too! These included, before the walk, "Excited" and, after the walk, "Proud", "Appreciative of friends"...... not sure that's a 'mood' as such, but it's definitely how I felt.

I am so glad we did that. I am so lucky to have friends that make me laugh, yet have the depth and strength to deal with the more serious stuff too. Fearless friends. Beside me every step from day one. Friends that will get me through the whole journey, start to finish. 

"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. 
'Pooh' he whispered.
'Yes, Piglet?'
'Nothing,' said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. 'I just wanted to be sure of you.'"

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