
Saturday 29 July 2017


I'm considering throwing a bit of a 'do'...... I thought I'd invite all the staff from my GP surgery and all the staff from the Cancer Centre. Seems it might be quite helpful if they got to know each other...... even just on a very casual basis. A team building type of event perhaps.....? Maybe if I did that it would save all the Surgery phone calls and letters telling me there's a variety of things wrong with my bloods at different times, with no explanations and constantly adding that wee layer of anxiety that you just don't need........ In reality it'll be something and nothing, but it'd be nice to not have to deal with more crap..... kind of have enough going on.

Gone Digging is a game I keep dealing hands (or arms or feet or ankles or wrists) for because I want to be sure everything is as it should be. I grit my teeth through something that can sometimes be complete agony because I'm trying to be brave and help myself. It's not a game I'm happy to be dealer for if the chips are being carelessly looked after...... Something wrong with my bloods? Explain it to me..... reassure me....... don't send a completely impersonal letter that isn't even signed. Don't expect me to deal more cards gladly without convincing me of your ability to be at the table. It's not s game, it's my life. And it's the wellbeing of my family and I. 

Now I get to spend a weekend trying to forget about it and not get anxious, and then a Monday chasing round trying to get someone who can explain, help and confirm a few things. 

I'll particularly look forward to the Call Handling  system...... It's 2017. Has no-one thought to set up patient email systems for general queries? Yes, it'd take a lot of managing, but could be reserved for patients with set conditions, and may save a lot of people a lot of time and energy in the longer term. I'll probably speak to 10 different people tomorrow...... one of whom might be helpful and might know the right person to go to. Wasting people's time? Yeah, I'm sure I probably will, but it wouldn't happen if there was a bit more front end efficiency. I'll stick that idea in the Ideas Box alongside the 'totally out there' consideration that mental wellbeing through relaxation/mindfulness activities might be better than dishing out pills.....I'm starting to think the best thing I could've been given on diagnosis is a Personal Secretary...... 

Pfffftttt. I once had someone tell me they'd never seen the sound of frustration and annoyance written as a word..... well there it is....... pfffffttttt.  I'm off to meditate....... xxx

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