
Saturday, 18 February 2017

Hospital staff...... the best people in the world

How many times have you heard it said....... how many times have you said it yourself.......  "I hate hospitals"..........  Kind of a natural reaction in many ways.  We've all had bad experiences in hospitals.  They don't tend to be naturally 'happy places'. 

I'm not sure my recent experience changes this completely......  however.......  What I was completely struck by is that hospitals are full of the most incredible 'givers' you will ever have the good pleasure of being near.  The range of care I was given in my local hospital Rehab Ward was nothing short of extraordinary.  It wasn't just nurses.  It was domestics, porters, nurses......  so many people who were just born to carry out a role.  Each as important as the next.

I took a lot of notes while I was in hospital.  Some of those notes make no sense at all now!  Some are clear.  As per the usual rules, I won't identify people, however there are people in my hospital that did small things which were extraordinary things.  I've tried to summarise these in the table below.

How do you thank a team that literally saved your life??  Well you can't really.....  but good quality food seems like a start!  I know a wonderful person who makes healthy, natural chutneys and jams etc.  I asked her to make me up some hampers that I could share with the hospital team as a thank you.  Tracy did me proud!  Today these beautiful creations were shared with the hospital team.  They can help themselves to whatever goodies catch their fancy. 

If you fancy some honest, natural goodies then why not have a look at Greenthumb's Facebook Page.  Tracy, Jonny, Aidy and Catherine came into our lives years ago through a shared love of music.  We have been so lucky.  Good people.  Just good, good people.  I love them dearly. 

What the team did -

Saved my life.   Pretty self explanatory!  In addition though, you provided me with honesty, safety, support and understanding.  You didn't pressure me and gave me the space I needed.  You listened.  You did not patronise me, you showed me respect and you made me laugh.
You talked to me.  You cared. It gave me a sense of 'normality'.  You were open and honest and did not judge me.  You gave me practical advice and support alongside very real emotional support.  You are a rock.
Solid, practical advice. You reminded me that the world keeps turning and I had better be ready for what's coming next.  You gave me your time and the benefit of a sharp, practical mind.
Got me out of bed in time and made me feel safe when the Ward got a bit hairy. The Leveller.  Sometimes you just need someone to tell you to get up, wash your hair and wise up.  I needed that.  Your accent is truly awful, your wake up calls nothing short of offensive, but both were exactly what I needed at that time.  Hearing a man's voice was also somewhat comforting at nights, from a security point of view.  Although I am fully aware that there are many female nurses in the Ward that would be a far greater physical adversary than you!
Gave me your time and genuine love. The most amazing comfort.  Although our religious beliefs may remain different, I have found a complete respect and open mindedness.  I am happy to take prayers and have been comforted by the vast range and styles available!  You are just a good person.  You were the one I knew would come if I needed you in the night and would patiently listen to whatever nonsense came from my mouth.  Without judgement.  Just whatever I needed.
Gave me a scan. Listened to the mad story about thinking I was being lethally injected like in The Green Mile.  Rubbed my hands while the dye went in and told me it was ok.  Accepted the madness and shared a laugh, while comforting me.
Opened my curtains and windows every morning and cleaned my room. Hope.  Two weeks inside is a long time.  The feeling of fresh air can be amazing, especially when you're on high doses of steroids!  The feeling of fresh air every morning was amazing.  It reminded me I was still here, still fighting and that I would be ok.  One of the single most valuable things done for me on a daily basis.  You also took time to pin up my cards, making my wee home happy and giving me a positivity boost every time I looked at them.
Fed me! Do not underestimate the power of food when you are taking steroids!  You talked to me like a normal person, fed my crazy cravings, and laughed with me about it.  You gave me normality at a time when I was struggling to think straight.
Nursing care in terms of observations, but also orientation at a time of confusion. You always told me what you were doing.  You orientated me by telling me the time, what you were in to do, whether I should open my eyes or go back to sleep.  You always said your name and you always rubbed my hand.  The comfort of this was amazing.  I was often confused and these acts just settled me down in an amazing way.
Nursing care, talking, reassurance. You are a total all-rounder.  You are an amazing nurse in terms of the practicalities, but you also have a lovely way of providing personal care.  The nights I knew you were on duty were the ones where I was most settled.  I knew you would come if I pressed the buzzer and I knew you would keep me safe.  I also knew I could talk to you if I was scared, even if there was no real reason behind it.  When I took the facial seizures after the meds change, I was literally terrified the first time.  You provided me with both the medical care I needed to keep me physically safe, but you also held my hand to provide me with the mental care I needed.  These things in combination make you probably the most memorable.  I hope you have had a brilliant time in New Zealand and I genuinely hope we meet for a coffee and a catch up in the future.
Doctor care - physical exams etc. You make me laugh.  At a time when it would've been so easy to be in despair, you always made me smile.  I remembered you so clearly from my initial admission, simply because you are pretty and happy.  This was exactly what I needed at so many times.  You are a pure joy.
Nursing care - obs etc You talked to me like I was normal.  You made me laugh and told me all the craic from the outside world.  You are a happy, upbeat, good person, who I just like!  
Nursing care and advice What a well timed kick you gave me!  And how much did I need it?  When you spoke to me I genuinely believed I was too unwell to walk outside on my own.  I'm ashamed of that now - what a drama queen.  You kicked gently, but you did kick.  I cried for what felt like hours afterwards; something I am not known to do.  But once I dried my eyes I was left like the biggest weight had been lifted.  I did not sit in another wheelchair again and I am absolutely certain that your 'tough love' message was one of the single biggest turning points for me.  You are without doubt in the job you were literally born to do.  You are right at the top of my list of people that made a difference.
Nursing care, advice and kindness You listened and you let me cry.  I made you cry and I feel so bad for that.  You reminded me that other people have stuff going on, but they still take time to listen to my crap!  You are kind and genuine and helped me so much.  You let me get it all out of my system and you absorbed my emotion at a time when you shouldn't have had to.  You are selfless.
Practical OT advice Reassurance that I was not going completely mad, that I can live a normal life and that I will be kept safe.  With a gentle reminder that I am still in charge of my own destiny.  Help for both my physical and mental wellbeing.
Nursing help and skincare offer How wonderful in the middle of everything to have someone offer to look at my skin.  My obsessive, steroid driven, moisturising and serum based routine would have put any woman to shame, but I can imagine there are many who would not have been in the same position after 2 weeks in a hospital bed.  It was kind and lovely and genuine and I really appreciated the practicality of it.
Nursing care and practical advice A solid, honest, 'let me know what you need' offer in the middle of everything.  Genuine, this is me, give me a shout.  Invaluable at a time of confusion and often fear.  No fuss, normality.  A decent down to earth leveller who I greatly appreciated.


  1. Only one time in my 27 years of nursing, I have cried because my soul was overwhelmed and this has happened few weeks ago when I have got your letter. You have done more than you think without knowing what was happening in my professional life when I have met you. I will never be able to thank you enough for motivating me to continue to do what I know better: caring about the patients. God bless you, Tricia! xx

  2. Lucia, you were wonderful. My 'orientator'. You always said who you were, what you were doing and reassured me. You are a fantastic nurse and helped me at a very frightening time. Thank you xxx
