
Friday, 12 May 2017

3 week marker!!

That's it..... 3 weeks in! I'll confess it's not actually 50% day..... I forgot about May Day.... So I'm choosing to celebrate twice.... today as end of week 3 day and Monday as 50% day!! The weekend brings a shorter hair cut and possibly a bit of hat shopping. My first entry/exit wound made itself apparent this morning....... right at my hairline, adjacent to my scar....... It's not awful. I don't look at it and cry....... in fact I'm quite relieved it's made itself known. That's that over with. I know I've another 3 to find and I doubt it'll take long, given the amount that's falling out, but then they'll just be there and probably not even in my line of sight...... I don't spend much time posing in front of a mirror these days! Time for all that later. 

My journey up today was good - the ambulance care attendant is a lady I adore! Friendly, happy and naturally caring. She's definitely in the right job. I was greatly entertained to find out her hubby drives the school bus I often jump out of the front door for in the sounds much the same as the ambulance, though my dog knows the difference!!

Treatment went as quickly as ever and I had lovely chats with some of my new friends. In another inexplicable moment, a couple started a conversation with me and we were discussing positive attitudes. We were all saying how we watch a lot of comedy. The man said how much he liked Billy Connolly..... that made me smile because aul Billy had a fair run from me too! I then said 'Have you tried......' He finished my sentence 'The Kevin boy? Yes, I love him too!'....... Kevin Bridges......... two comedians I used to watch on YouTube every morning when I was going through a rough patch post surgery and trying to find a routine to my day...... I told them that and then said "Well this is clearly why we ended up sitting together today then!" I genuinely meant it. I've honestly run out of examples of serendipity...... there are so many! 

My lovely physio had me walking on a treadmill and doing a bit of cycling today too..... before rewarding me with a massage. There are so many wonderful people in that Centre. Warm, genuine people, who make the journey so much easier.  Both staff and other patients. Seems I'm even more of a people person than I realised........ that's what it's been all about for me. People are what helps me more than anything! 

Monday brings a lovely night in a hotel with my sister. No travelling, sister time, and I'm also planning to see a few others while I'm there. There are couple of former wardmates in particular that I'm keen to get to see if I can.  Tuesday also brings a follow up with my surgeon...... it'll actually be quite nice to see her! An amazingly bright person, who hasn't lost her human side. Xxx

1 comment:

  1. The balaclava look would be a change of direction! I'd like to see that one 😎
