
Tuesday 23 May 2017


Seems I'm now in the 'fatigue' stage of radio..... I'm so tired I feel like I'm back at Hard Rock Hell in Wales and have been drinking vodka since 11am........ that's not a good drunk, that's 'washing machine drunk'! This morning I managed to shower etc with only one contact lense in, as I thought the blurry vision was just due to sleepiness. It was probably stuck up under my eyelid or stuck to my face or t-shirt (which any lense wearer will know is always where they are!), but by the time I realised it was much too late to try and find it. In the end I wrote it off as lost and put in new ones. I'm quite sure I haven't changed my monthly lenses in at least 3 months anyway, so probably not a bad thing one rebelled against me......... 

I suspect I may become quieter over the next few weeks. I'm just so tired and looking at the screen can make me feel a little seasick at times. You wouldn't always know though because I am doing what I always do......... giving myself a kick first thing and then allowing a bit of down time afternoon and evening. I'm beginning to think I'll have little choice now........ I was so tired yesterday evening that I couldn't see straight. I managed to fight it until about 8.45pm but only by allowing myself to relax...... Chelsea Flower Show and the writings of the Dalai Lama anyone?? I may have been in a slight trance if I'm honest! Hypnotised by Dame Judy Dench and the secrets to a mindful life....... 

That first bit was written this morning..... which is quite amazing as I was struggling to stay awake. I've had a very long journey today, a little tour of the country..... the guy driving was lovely though and I really enjoyed his company, so that made the time pass quicker. I was lifted at around 8.30am and am just home at 16.30, so a long day.  Thankfully though it did keep me awake! And that's another treatment done. My fabulous 'lunch and hug provider' friend, who doubles as a hairdresser, cooked us a dinner for tonight too, which will make all the difference! How incredible is she?? She calls every morning, gives me lunch, a hug and often we have a short and healthy cry together...... then she goes to work! I do that to her every day and she never complains. Not many like that in the world......though I seem to have hogged all of them for myself!! I promise I'm still 'paying it forward'. I'm quite sure I'll never be as good a person as those I find myself surrounded by, but I'm consciously reaching out to whoever I see that might need a hand or a shoulder. Half the Cancer Centre will be running scared!! 

Time for my evening walk! Tomorrow brings another marker....... Single Figures Day!! Plus a radio buddy (Hat Lady to those of you regular readers...!) finishes treatment tomorrow. I really hope I'm up around the same time so I can congratulate her on her strength and on maintaining such dignity and good humour throughout. All I do is babble incessantly, sometimes cry, rock the leisurewear (and the pirate/Amish look) and make terrible jokes..... she, however, is classy. One of those women I've always slightly envied..... beautiful and making everything look easy! Xxx

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