More interesting.... when I sat in the waiting room an elderly lady sat down beside me. She apologised for the 'state' of her face..... she'd had a bad fall. Her daughter arrived and she used to teach me PE..... plus my dad had been talking about her last week, for no apparent reason. I told her she used to teach me.... luckily she prefers the 'characters' because 'they're the ones you remember!' apparently...... A conversation was struck up and guess what she had 18 years ago??? I swear you're nobody if you haven't had a brain tumour..... and she didn't even have it pulled out through her nose...... she was full on brain surgery like me!! Thankfully hers was benign, but it's still yet another person I've met with a positive story.
Opticians this afternoon to discover the prescription for my lenses and glasses has changed by a full point in my right eye. If I'm reading the prescription right, it's improved! That doesn't seem right, but who knows?? No reason why I can't develop more than one super power.......
I also had the pleasure of spending time with a dear friend as well as my son today too. Not much more enjoyable than that! And I broke our internet, so everything is getting right back to normal! Xxx
#believe love you xxx