
Monday 26 June 2017

What's going on ear then??....

After a great weekend, I was looking forward to a day with my sister, being pampered at Charis in Cookstown...... a charity that provide complimentary therapies to cancer patients and family members. A day of relaxation with big sis seemed perfect and I was excited about it. But sure nothing stays constant........ I went to bed with a really sore mouth and throat. It felt like someone had scraped off a layer of skin. Then during the night I woke with what felt like a very high temperature. I threw my legs and arms out from under the covers and managed to drop over again. 

When I woke first thing I felt awful. Roasting and mouth and throat swollen. Worse ear pain than I've been having. Truthfully, I was pretty scared. It felt very much like an infection and was on the side of my surgery. I relaxed myself and tried not to write a whole story around it, but there was undoubtedly a major concern in my mind that I was fighting hard to keep under control.....

A visit from a doctor confirmed a slightly raised temperature, but not alarming. Plus a recurrence of a mouth problem I had before (a word to the wise...... use the mouthwash for a full week, even if it feels better, as it's likely to recur!), plus a perforated eardrum. Both uncomfortable and annoying....... but far, far better than catastrophising Trish's thought that I had an infection and could end up in hospital..... I'm getting bloods checked just to be sure, but it's looking ok. 

Unfortunately the trip to Charis had to be called off. My poor sister flew over from Manchester to make soup and a lamb dish, and lie beside me in bed watching really dodgy daytime TV...... sad we didn't get our relaxing day, but very glad infection looking less likely, and happy to get time with sis, regardless of what we're doing. 

I can't remember the last day I spent in bed....... but maybe it's ok every so often......  I've plans for tomorrow, plus a nurse calling, so the bed lying is a one day event.  I never want to be the drama queen, ringing doctors every time a get a twinge...... it's pointless anyway because I then never want the tablets they try to give me! Hard work! But equally I'm not stupid. I'm not going to have something serious happen because I didn't speak up. If something feels wrong then speak up...... Plus the very odd jammie day is fine! Xxx

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