
Sunday 18 June 2017

Breaking all the rules....

I'm not really supposed to have baths in case my body does something mad........ it's a bad job when having a bath is as rebellious as you get!! Though I'm not sure I was ever really a rule breaker anyway....... a rule questioner certainly, but not really a breaker....... I'm now spending the rest of my afternoon wisely, watching Footloose whilst also watching hubby plant the fortune worth of plants I bought yesterday..... It was suggested to me that pot planting would be therapeutic. It seemed like a great plan, until the temperature topped 25 and there was no way I could be out in it, and then today it started to rain. No garage therefore no pot planting, rather a bath and Footloose........equally therapeutic I'd suggest! Plus hubby looks like he's enjoying it....... you're welcome dear....

Yesterday I had a visit from a local Minister. They must've heard about the priests and worried they might lose one...... I'm joking... and they never had me anyway. I haven't been to church since I was about 15!! He was a lovely man. I've never met him before and was very impressed with his ability to hold an open minded conversation about how religion and science can sit side by side, and also what a shame it is that some in this country hide behind religion, using it as an excuse for poor behaviour. Refreshing. I enjoyed his company.

I can't remember when I last blogged so I'm not sure if I mentioned (yet again) how endlessly thankful I am for good friends. I met up with three on Friday and it was more mood lifting than anything else in the world. One told a story that necessitated her practically running around the table...... always reminds me I'm doing ok. I've been pretty sluggish the rest of the weekend, but the weather really isn't helping. I've still got outside evety day. This morning was spent walking the beach, paddling and trying to avoid jellyfish..... though I did wonder if it might work like acupuncture; the sting drawing my attention away from everything else! I decided not to find out as having the big man pee on my foot in public might just be one humiliation too far. 

I'm allowing myself a bit of relaxation time...... Independence Day will come soon enough, and I need to be tour fit! My ear's still causing me a lot of bother, I've got a headache, I'm wrecked, and I can be a bit unsteady on my feet..... winge winge gurn gurn.

We're treating this time the same way as we did pre-surgery. Rest up, plenty of relaxation, but daily exercise and time with friends too. Building up my confidence again, but not just going hyper and dealing with everything by being 'busy'. I'm continuing to meditate daily, and that's definitely helping greatly with any potential crippling fear and anxiety that can just over me in a wave. It can still come, but I'm much better at managing it, so it doesn't take hold. Never thought I'd see the day I was saying things like that, but I reckon we'd all be pretty surprised if we realised who's felt a good dose of nerves at some stage...... I suspect there are some pretty important and seemingly totally calm people who have felt a wave of anxiety wash over them at some stage. Serious illness can just reduce our ability to make it look as easy as we used to! 

This week is filled with time with good friends and complimentary therapies.... just a wee thing every day; not getting totally carried away in a bid to distract, but ensuring I have plans and am getting out. In training..... tour fit....... if Steve Tyler from Aerosmith can still deliver on stage at 69 (which I have it on good authority that he can!), then I can handle a bit of chemo at a MUCH younger age.....! 

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