
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Tea bags and chancers

The blog can be a bit prone to being boring, so I try to write it when something has entertained me or there's a medical update of some description to give.

The only medical update I can provide is that my perforated eardrum is really annoying. And I have a headache like one I haven't felt in a long time. I suspect it's stress and tiredness related, due to normal life creeping in on me a bit today. A couple of very minor things, but both things that would've stressed me before and it seems still have that ability! I remedied with some extra meditation and some gentle reading, which sorted the stressed out feeling, but the headache unfortunately remains. Possibly more linked to the ear? Or the fact that I'm still wearing the wrong prescription contact lenses? Or the fact that my brain is still recovering from two major surgeries and radiotherapy? Who knows. If I were placing bets I'd say it's a bit of everything. The ear brought it on (it is literally pulsing..... like my heart has moved into my eardrum), and then it's been made worse by the other stuff. I'm having to be careful with balance too...... so no fast movements.

Medical gurn over........ things that have entertained me today....... I probably should've put this first. I remember being told you should put something at the beginning to hold the readers' attention....... I'm not sure "my ear hurts" quite cuts it! Hopefully, I can hopefully be more entertaining by yet again explaining how brilliant my friends are;

This morning I was woken to find messages from 'the girlies', reminding me it's the perforations that make all the difference....... Sydney......  

I also received a lovely photo of a broken legged former colleague with his wife pushing him in a wheelchair. One of those really lovely photos that just makes you laugh. They are laughing their heads off and it shines out of the picture. Nice people, being amused by life. My favourite type of people!! 

I also of course still have the lip syncing to Whitney video my friend sent the other day. Honestly it'd be vital in an hour if a shared it! He's a star! He sent me another one...... a more rock n roll one for the wee rocker...... I should be more impressed by it,  but honestly I can't get past Whitney!! I can imagine it being like the selfies with dog used to be for giving me boosts and reminding me life's still fun...... it'll be watched again and again!! 

I went to my 'shall we do it over coffee' doctor...... and apologised for the terrible joke. He shrugged it off and said he'd taken it as intended, which made me feel ok about it! He's actually not the doctor that I thought he was, so the 'meeting in the shop' embarrassment is somewhat lifted....! I had the joy of a lovely Treatment Room nurse..... another warm, 'you're doing great', arm rubbing type...... my very favourite type! Plus a lovely pharmacist who I really like afterwards too. I'm starting to think I need shoots like they have in Bishops shoe shop in Coleraine (wonderful shop, owned by lovely family, full of shoes!) to transport medications to me...... the surgery could shoot the prescription to them, they could shoot the meds to me, I could shoot a long rambling thank you card back!! Truthfully there is a pick up service, but probably best that's kept for people who need it. I have family and friends who are happy to help collect prescriptions etc and think nothing of doing it. Plus it's good for me to go myself. PharmCists know lots and can be great information sources. There are a lot of excellent services offered for unwell people..... through the Health Service and through charities. I avail of a few..... but I know there are some people completely milking everything they can get. Leave it for the people who genuinely need it, because there are many who do. Being lazy and being good at playing the system isn't a medical condition....... it shouldn't earn you motability car...... DON'T CRACK UP!!!!! We all know them. I am NOT referring to everyone with a motability car!! I'm referring to those that have one when they've no need. I know people on both sides of that fence.

Well things must be healing, because I'm becoming opinionated again....... not that I'm sure that ever went away! If you know me, you'll know...... opinionated and a little mouthy on occasion, but I'd hope never cruel or nasty. And would beat myself up for ages if I ever thought I had been....... Still me  xxxx

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