Donegal is definitely even quirkier than me..... or at least equally so! Completely unable to go past the 'Curiosity Shop' I ended up talking to yet another wonderful character who told me a story about the filming of Star Wars and a chance meeting with Mark Hamil, who the storyteller didn't know because he's never watched Star Wars ("Sure why would I be watching that??"). The man telling the story also said "Its not nosiness, it's curiosity"....... something I had said to hubby just this morning! This was undoubtedly my kind of guy.....
I received a hug and was given some cards by a girl running a small mobile gift shop, who also told me to visit a holy well that she said her priest says is more powerful than Lourdes. I went, and left one of her lovely cards there. I've no idea what I believe or don't believe, but I'm completely certain that there are certain individuals that can make you feel very settled and calm. It's the same of places. There's a reason why some places are attached to stories of spirituality and/or religion....... they're places of calm. Tales of healing may even be scientifically linked to environmental factors. Who knows? I'm completely open minded. Calm and quiet works great for me, regardless of any beliefs.
Night two's B&B (picked by me!) is fabulous! Night one was excellent too, but in a different way. Tonight's looks like it would fit perfectly into a Pride and Prejudice set...... plus there's a bridge in the grounds that takes you to a waterfall. That was the reason I picked it and we're not disappointed so far!
You need to compile all this into a book Tricia!!!