
Saturday, 11 March 2017

Another day in paradise.....!

Another lazy start....... I woke the Big Man at 00.49am to tell him we'd slept in and that I'd missed my 7am medications. Not true. Obviously. I promptly went straight back to sleep. Waking up at 7am was then difficult, but he made me. I had my usual medications and ate my toast and tea. Then went back to sleep for a couple of hours. I'm nervous of sleeping too much, but I've been told to rest up before further treatment. Trying to get the balance. Up st showered and dressed by 11am. Ready for my sis coming.
My beautiful sister and her boyfriend came over again. She may as well just move back here!! We all went up to the statue at Binevenagh- a lovely short walk and then a car picnic. It was great. Beautiful day, great company, good food, stunning view....... a good day!!
Now my sister and I are chilling out together. We're going to enjoy another good 'food thank you' for dinner - stew this time. Then maybe watch a film, or just more rubbish tv. I'm good at that now!! 
I'm considering going out for breakfast in the morning. It's hard because I look such a fright. Plus I'm tired. I'm worried I'll put people off their food. Think everyone's a bit worried I'll become agoraphobic though.....! I know I can go out in public, I just generally don't choose to. Why would I want to? I go for a walk every day. I'm often home alone and quite enjoy the freedom of that. I'm just not keen on seeing people I don't know. I'm often not even keen on seeing people I do know! I'm being very odd. I realise this. 
My mad need to blog has made me more public than I'd ever have been before. I'd generally have been a fairly private person. I've over 11,600 hits on this blog - that's mad! Who's reading this crap?? Half the time it doesn't even make sense. But for some reason it's helping me. And hopefully one day could help others in a similar situation. Who knows. It would need a lot of tidying up. 
Right, dinner time! And food remains very important to me..... despite the drop in steroids, I'm still fastidious about mealtimes..... 7am tea and toast, 12noon lunch (usually salad, preferably with avocado), 5pm dinner (must include salad or lots of veg), 9pm ninesies (tea and probably ginger nuts, usually followed by an apple). 
A good day. Impatient to get to the next stage of the journey now. Need to maintain the momentum...... bring it on. Radiotherapy?? I'll start tomorrow!! Not possible I know, my oncology appt isn't until 23rd (2 days before my birthday). Stitches out on Tuesday - good! Yes, it'll probably hurt. But it's itchy and they need to go! Slight bald patch and scar down side of ear doesn't bother me one bit. Who cares?? 

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