I haven't really 'done public', apart from hospital appointments. I've been for walks, but only ever been in open spaces where I could get away. The thought of being inside with others was not something I've been interested in doing.
Today I was put in public. One of my wardmates was having a fundraising 'Mad Hatters Tea Party' at her home. I felt that if she could make the effort to do it then the least I could do was to go. I'm in awe of her for running it..... from 9am to 7pm too! I couldn't comprehend doing that. I'm very proud of her. Plus I'm very fond of her and her parents. Good people. My sister arrived this morning so it was agreed that she would take me. It was about an hour's drive away, but really that's no different to going to hospital appointments. So we set off. It was lovely. A house full of love and support. She will probably start radio around the same time as me so it'll be nice to have friendly face. We can encourage each other and spur each other on. I'm really glad I went.
Then I got all confident..... on the way home I realised there was nothing obvious in for dinner. So I texted the big man and it was agreed my sis and I would stop at the supermarket. I was quite hungry and didn't know what I fancied so took the bold step of going in with her! A massive leap. I was dreading seeing someone I know and of course the first person I saw was my neighbour. Thankfully she's lovely so it was fine. I proudly stated "Look at me! I'm out in public!" She praised me and gave me a hug. I didn't even cry!!
I can't say I particularly enjoyed the supermarket...... but who does?? Thankfully it was very quiet - we had our choice of 3 empty tills. Unheard of on a Friday evening.
So another leap forward. I'm really tired now and my head hurts, but I feel proud of my achievements today. I had to do it sometime!
Good for you Trish you're doing brilliantly. Baby steps! Big hugs Vic xx