
Monday 20 March 2017

Friendship and yoga

Both should be available on the NHS!! At lunchtime my wonderful friend arrived with soup and sandwiches. We ate, we chatted. It was lovely. Then she left and I had a quick hour's doze (I can do that again now!) before she came back to take me to a one on one yoga and relaxation class. I thoroughly recommend it to anyone feeling a bit anxious. The breathing alone is all into your stomach so you have to concentrate on it; taking your mind away from whatever negativity has crept in.  The release of negative energy caused a few tears, but not in an unhealthy way. More of a release, that felt good. The teacher was fantastic. We did a few very gentle moves, and it felt good to be able to do them. 
My knees were a bit shaky, due to the lack of  proper exercise over the past few months. Ordinarily any shakes at all and I panic a bit that I'm about to have a seizure. Not today. I knew that wasn't the case. It felt good. I felt like I was achieving something but at a very gentle and safe rate. I also particularly liked 'the warrior' move....... felt appropriate! Again, a bit like growling at yourself in the mirror!
Yes, definitely a very good day. Thanks as usual to dear friends/family. 
This whole thing remains a rollercoaster. And I was never a big fan of rollercoasters. But throughout it I remain touched by positive energy and good people. All giving me strength. All helping me in a way I will never come close to articulating.

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