
Friday, 3 March 2017

Massive progress after healing sleep

Another massive day of progress after a full night's sleep, plenty of tears, and a blessing from my miracle worker priest. Incredible what a difference a day can make. I can now get up and use bathroom alone. Seems easy? Try brain injury and you'll realise what a challenge it can be....... That Neuro pathway is restored. I can also walk up the corridor alone, although I find it more fun to go with others! I can chat and often do..... I forget stuff, particularly days, but I don't sweat about it. I wear a watch and oriebtate mysekf by just asking/ reminding myself what day it is. No stress if I get it wrong. Doesn't really matter. My day still revolves largely around food..... I'm blaming the steroids god that, though thankfully I haven't gained huge amounts of weight. I've bigger fish to fry anyway - I'll worry about the brain first and then take a few pounds off after. Small price to pay! I still look a bit like frankensteuns minster, with wounds down the side of my facs (in front of ear) and up along head. they'll mostly be covered by my hair anyway and it's really a small price to pay.  My surgeon continues to give me far too much credit for her longest ever awake surgery. I'm in awe of her. She's a brain surgeon!! I think she's probably younger than me and she's a frickin brain surgeon!!  I continue to write because it helps me and hopefully night help others one day. There's loads more to be included. There may be a book in it...... not a best seller I wouldn't imagine...... fairly specific subject matter...... but hopefully something that could help anyone who experiences something similar. And that doesn't necessarily mean brain tumour. Anyone who has a stroke / aneurysm / MS, /motor neurone disease and a wealth of other conditions if the brain/spinal chord could find themselves in a similar situation. It can be really frightening and very disorientating. For them and fit their family and friends, if I can help explain that then I'd have achieved something pretty incredible with my life, wouldn't I?? It's something you could never explain without experiencing it.  My wonsedul sister also helped me shower today and even wash (part of) my hair. I was only allowed to wash the top over the this head wound, and the back, round to the wound in front of my ear. So a bit of a hash job, but it felt so good!! After I sat and brushed it with a babies brush for I'm sure an hour. I was like a wee mermaid. Or so I fella! I had another relaxing MEI scan. Scanners were fantastic as ever. Completely tolerant of my complete phobia of feeling anything in my veins, I can tolerate the noise of the scanner no problem, it's the dye going in that freaks me out. They offered complete reassurance by telling me what they were doing and telling me not to worry. Again I was in the company if Ed Sheehan..... again I have suggested the removal of Bloodstream from the playlist...... unfortunate choice.....  The Ward of Winners continues to inspire me. We've had two get home today. Both brave beyond belief, so proud to be part of their number. A nursing team that offer reassurance and look after us. I have a few favourites, though in general they've been great.  We've two newbies on the Ward of Winners now but we haven't really managed to introduce ourselves yet. We'll make sure we do tomorrow - they should feel reassured that they're on a ward of fighters. One where everyone helps and inspires each other. I've done lots of physio today too. I'm not allowed to hold my head to the left anymore. The muscle on my righ in front of eart is clearly sore but I need to start w deciding if to stop it stiffening up. Uncomfortable but necessary.  I'm managing the epilepsy well at the moment. I haven't had a grand lal since the night this all started (20Jan(, I have had a few facial seizures ;like being tazered to the face) but often skiers to be related to changes in steroids, and I can now pretty much manage absence seizures (that's what I use your positivity Blasts for so keep them coming!) some of you send me a wee positivity blast ever night and it's lovely. I look at them before I go to sleep Nz also when I wake up - knowing they'll prevent any absence seizures. Very important. Makes a huge difference to my day to day life. 
  1. I continue to keep my meds as simple and as low dose as possible. I have to take some steroids and some anti seizure mssicatin, but I'm down to twice a day and I take as little as possible. Other thAn that it's paracetamol and ibruphen. That's it.  I frequently quote to doctors and nurses that we have an overprescribing privlsm in NI. That you're more likely to die from diazepam/temazpam than from heroin/ccajbs/ecstaty combined. Some of that is obviously illicit use and fake stuff bought in from places like China, but a large osrcentags is as a result of over prescribing. I maintain Dept of Health have a lot of work to do in this area. I'll continue to whine on about it because it's really important. It needs fixed. I understand certain drugs are needed and I know I take some to keep me safe. That's ok, but we shouldn't. We shouldn't be handing them out like sweets. Dept of Health have a lot of work to do on this. 

1 comment:

  1. That's the sprit Tricia! You're right about the drug overprescribing, bad here too. I think you're to be Ok! I'll be checking for your next post.

    Knoxville, TN USA
